Brand: Sunkist
Variety: Star Ruby
Growth location: ?
Bought in: Harris Teeter
This was one of those enormous non-organic fruits you pay way too much for. I didn't even buy it for myself; a friend wanted it and then abandoned it. It's been a long time since I had one of these--May at the latest. Perhaps my grapefruit situation has improved greatly since then, or maybe this was just not a winner, but man, this one was subpar.
It peeled OK. The removal of the white stuff was one of the smoothest processes I've had with a grapefruit ever. It even pulled into slices fine. But lord, this fruit was old. Seeds were sprouting into the slices; one of the seeds had a two-inch sprout in it. This left the slices with such seeds smelling earthy--not an appealing smell for a fruit. Other slices smelled better, so I left the sprouting-seed slices to air out before eating them. That plan worked, and I didn't realize I'd eaten one of the slices that had had a funky seed in it until I'd already swallowed it. It, like the rest of the slices in the fruit, was usually boring. Every slice had very little citrus flavor, very little acid, and very little sweetness. Some slices had turned that earthy smell into actual flavor: earthiness displeased my mouth in about a fourth of the slices. All the slices were soft, but not overly juicy. Lately, my fruits have been firm and juicy. I'll stick with that, thanks.
The bottom line is, forget these grapefruits. I'm having better luck with organics and better luck with whites.
[Sorry there's no picture; I'll upload a picture of this one when I get home.]
--UPDATE, August 25th: Picture added!--
Grade: D-