
Kind of Blue

I listen again and again. Every time, I reconfirm: Kind of Blue is the best album ever.


Don't tell your friends!

I must stop thinking about Art Brut. I will burn them out too fast. How can I resist? The lead singer has that funny way of saying stuff, I just have to ponder it. And they rock so hard and write in a mode of self awareness that I didn't realize possible. They're also hilarious. And my god, the joy! Those are some energized, happy motherfuckers in that band. You can hear it. It's infectious. "Look at us! We formed a band!" Bravo.

Thank god for the Times Square Virgin Megastore having their album.


Brand New Bag

I had a big dillema. A nerdy music-lover sort of dillema. In Soho, I found this hot modern-briefcase (almost a laptop bag.) But I had to chose between buying cds and buying the bag. I bought the bag, but felt bad about not spending my money on cds, because my principle says that if I'm spending money on "something I don't need," it might as well be cds. But since I'm not spending money on cds because of my large backlog (@ 25 to be opened,) I'm not spending money on much of anything. So I feel okay about spending money these days. Since I'm willing to spend, but not buying cds, I bought the bag. I feel like I've cheated on my beloved cds. I'm sorry, compact discs.

But the fetishizing of something new is a joy. I definitely do love a new purchase, but the purchase of the same thing (cds) is getting less entertaining (but certainly not boring yet.)

I'll get back to you soon enough, cds (christmas.)

Listening to:

Duran Duran - Rio