
when i get old, and i hear the future of music, will i think it's just noise? will i think it's just silly?

no matter what, I'm not going to recognize it as the future.

Hot Sauce Reviews - Dave's Crazy Caribbean/ Dave's Insanity

Dave's Crazy Caribbean Hot Sauce

heat rating: 5. (Hot)
I've blazed through a bottle of this stuff since I got it for Christmas. It burns nicely if you use enough, and its heat level is low enough to let me to use lots of it at a time. I use it on pasta primarily; it livens it up without ruining the taste (like, for example, too much texas pete or tobasco would.) The carrots and garlic in the sauce come out through the burning. The ingredients say there's lime juice and onion in there too, but they're not detectable to me. Recommended for newbie hot saucers.

Dave's Insanity Sauce

heat rating: 10. (Bogglingly Hot)
I've had a bottle of this for two years, and I can't fuck with it. A drop of it in a bowl of pasta creates an incapacitating burn. It smells like dried peppers; it tastes like dried peppers and burning. You take a toothpick-poke of it; and nothing happens for a second. Then there's a bitter burning that spreads across your tongue. The burn remains for several minutes, even from that single test. When using it in food, my lips burn, something that hasn't happened in several years except when using this sauce. I try to get people to try this stuff at parties. A bottle of this should last a normal person a long, long time. Recommended for masochists, hot saucers with over a decade of experience, and sadists who want to taint food.


Jay Dee Rest In Peace

Jay Dee's death has Okp going nuts. posts all over.

The folks who were all over Dilla before will only worship more, and many of the haters will turn around. I recall when Big Pun died, they had a dude on NPR talking about his brilliance and the melodic nature of his raps. While we probably won't get anything quite so revisionist out of Jay Dee's death, I certainly expect the overall appreciation of his work to increase.

Jay Dee was not high on my 'likely to die' list. I was not that concerned after the initial shock passed that he was in a wheelchair on stage. So I was, like when any death in hip hop occurs, surprised. Hip hop is still too young for that much death.