
Bwahaha I found it.

Ding, bitches, it's the original Top 100 Albums of the 90s list as issued by Pitchfork in October of 1999. You know, the one they pretend doesn't exist.


12 Rods? Walt Mink? What ARE these records?


Not enough rambling

Thoughts from the past months:

The Hold Steady is such a high school band. Would have gone really well in my 10th grade life. Weird that their live show is full of 20/30 yr olds. I see blow-up potential here.

Yo La Tengo is coming in February! fuck yea. Hopefully they won't bring their "and friends" bullshit along this time.

Tom Waits' Orphans is excellent. I have been oversaturated with Waits lately though. I must take care to not burn out on him. I have much more to absorb and it will be tasty.

I can't decide if La Monte Terry's 'The Well Tuned Piano' is improved by its five hour run-time. If it was a single disk, would I think it sucked? Is its length part of the point? There's not a lot of variety in it. Does its epic length trick me into not evaluating it as good or bad music?

Listening to:

Tom Waits - Orphans (Bastards)