
A Pizza You Will Never Eat

I ate this pizza today at some place in Elon today--Sparks? Spitz? Sputz? Schlitz? (Skids--ed.)

It, as the only vegetarian option clearly listed on the menu other than a grilled cheese sandwich, seemed to be my only real option.

Skids is basically a southern diner, complete with the smoke-skinned 50-something woman working there, and so I was not hopeful about this pizza. But dude. It came and not only was it larger than its menu-listed 10-inch size, but was on crust they made there, that didn't taste awful. You can do a lot wrong on a pizza, but if it's on good crust, your broken pizza will go a long way. These two elements really surprised me in this southern world of just any yokel thinking he or she can make pizza.

The vegetables seemed of the canned sort, but that's what we can expect of cheap North Carolina pizza (Gumby's, I've got my eye on you...while you undercook my pizza.)

But this pizza was thin, cooked thoroughly, unpretentious, and hey, that crust.

Grade: B.

P.S. With the way the benches are in Skids, if a dude sits in the bench behind you and farts, it shakes your bench. That guy farted a lot.

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