
Grapefruit, October 21st, 2008

Brand: unknown
Variety: red something
Growth location: Florida
Bought in: Trader Joe's

I had to come back and talk about this unique one. The peel was skinnier than everything I've dealt with lately, one of the tightest peels I've ever experienced. The white between the fruit and the skin, was, well, not white. It was pink. Peeling the grapefruit brought out wonderful smells, sharp and citrusy.

And the fruit itself was the firmest, most muscular grapefruit I've ever had. It did not give to pressure. Slices held together like a champ and were deep, deep pink. The flavor fell short of the rest of the wonderful experience, but the fruit was not untasty. Sharp tangyness stuck out, with a vague citrus flavor somewhere beneath that. The fruit was not sweet at all. I'd almost expect it to be a white with the flavor it had.

Grade: B


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