
Grapefruit, July 1st, 2008

Brand: Sundance Natural Foods
Variety: Red Ruby
Growth location: California
Bought in: Trader Joe's

This fruit wins the Ugliness Award. I have never seen such a strange deformity in a grapefruit before, but nature does strange things if given the chance. Perhaps it being "organic" is somehow responsible for this. Also note its dirty looking texture.

Despite the reputation of ugly grapefruits to taste excellent, I was not hopeful with this one. It was hard to peel and rendered a small fruit within full of worrisome color gradations. The slices collapsed in my hands as I tried to peel them free. But perhaps that did the fruit good--I had more direct contact with the juicy flesh of the fruit and less with the pith.

And I should not have doubted that such an ugly fruit would turn out tasting fine. It was on the sweet side and had an intensity of flavor that, again, I should have expected, given its size.

This one came from a bag of Sundance grapefruit, unlike the previous Sundances reviewed here. The whole bag looks to be small fruit, but all of the skins (excepting this one) look nice. Too bad.

Grade: B-


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